
The Book of Answers Bok

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är Bok
Publicerad år 2000
ISBN 0-553-81354-4
Av Carol Bolt
Publicerad av Bantam Books
språk Engelska

En bok som svarar på frågor.

Alias: book of answers och the book of answers


1. Hold the closed book in your hand, on your lap or on a table.

2. Take ten or fifteen seconds to concentrate on your question. Questions should be phrased in the following style: Is the job I'm applying for the right one?, or Should I travel this weekend?"

3. While visualizing or speaking your question (one question at tima), place one hand palm down on the book's fronbt cover and stroke the edge of the pages, back to front.

4. When you sense the time is right, simply open the book and there will be your answer.

5. Repeat the process for as many questions as you have.

Intriguing and inspiring, The Book of Answers has the solution to your every question!