
An Introduction to Parapsychology Facklitteratur

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är Facklitteratur
Publicerad år 1999
ISBN 0-7864-0671-2
Av Irwin, H. J.
Publicerad av McFarland

University textbook on the science of parapsychology

Alias: introduction to parapsychology



1. Introduction
2. Origins of Parapsychological Research
3. The Phenomenology of Extrasensory Perception
4. Experimental Research on Extrasensory Perception
5. Extrasensory Perception and Time
6. Psychokinesis
7. Special Topics in PK Research
8. Theories of Psi
9. The Survival Hypothesis
10. Poltergeist Experiences
11. Near-Death Experiences
12. Out-of-Body Experiences
13. Apparitional Experiences
14. Reincarnation Experiences
15. Belief in the Paranormal
16. Matters of Relevance
17. Evaluation of Parapsychology as a Scientific Enterprise