

Uppslagsverk för paranormala fenomen

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence Vetenskaplig organisation

Ändra sidan Visa ditt intresse Ämne 562046, v2 - Status: normal.
är Vetenskaplig organisation

Organisation som utforskar ämnet utomjordslig intelligens.

Alias: center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence, center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence, the och cseti

Detta är uppslagsordet för Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Paranormal.se representerar inte denna grupp / Vetenskaplig organisation.


CSETI webbplats



The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is an international nonprofit scientific research and education organization dedicated to the furtherance of our understanding of extraterrestrial intelligence. CSETI was founded in 1990 by Dr. Steven M. Greer, who is the International Director. CSETI's projects include the CE-5 Initiative and the Disclosure Project.