
Kabbalahs feminina princip Lära

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Det feminina sägs vara passivt. I alla kulturer är det feminina den "mörka" delen.

Alias: kabbalahs feminina princip


Det feminina sägs vara passivt. I alla kulturer är det feminina den mörka delen. De feminina sefirotherna är i receptiva från de övre. Det maskulina sägs vara aktivt. Den ljusa delen. Sefirotherna är transmitiva till de lägre.

Ändå talar man om Gud som moder när det gäller skapelsen. Inte vad jag kallar en passiv process. Jag citerar, så får vi se om du kan hjälpa mig lite:

Binah - Intelligence or Understunding

Binah is the Supernal Mother, Imma, within whose womb all that was contained in Wisdom finally becomes differentiated. It is out of her that the remaining Sefiroth proceed. The union of Hokmah & Binah, Wisdom & Understanding, yields a son, Da'at, Reason, althogh this son is not counted amongst the Sefiroth.

According to the symbolism of the palace or divine building the appearance of Binah represents the unfolding of what was once hidden. The divine palace is a synonym for the world. The point which was Wisdom expands here through the nourishing & furthering agency of Understunding. The seven agencies which will flow out of her womb will become known as the seven days of Genesis. But this Sefira along with the two which preceded it stands in a special relationship to the lower seven. This first triad of the Sefiroth represent the total manifistation of devine thought.