
Malört (Artemisia Absinthium) Malörter (Artemisia), Ört, Magisk växt

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är en sorts Malörter (Artemisia) , Ört och Magisk växt
kan vara en del av Kristallputs

En kryddört som används för framställning av Besk, Absint mm. Stimulerar vitalitet, aptit, lever och galla. Vitalitetsdryck för att använda efter magiutövning

Alias: artemisia absinthium och malört (artemisia absinthium)


Wormwood is a classic herb for the Samhain season. In October the wheel of the year stops for a magical 3 day interlude before the feast of Samhain, which ushers in the death and rebirth of the seasonal wheel of the year.

At Samhain we place gifts of food on our altars, and out-of-doors, extending hospitality to the disembodied ancestors who are surely amoung us. We light dark candles and call our dear departed, especially those most recently dead.

Wormwood, when added to herbal incense, is an aid in opening the psychic centers. When these centers are open and receptive, we may better communicate with those who have passed over. Its been written that wormwood and sandlewood (an herb of purification and high spiritual energy) burned together near a gravesite will summon the spirit of the

Wormwood is a banishing herb, used to rid a person or an area of anger and negativity.

In ancient Mexico, women enacted a ritual dance in honor of the Goddess of Salt where they wore garlands of wormwood in their hair.

To divine the face of your future lover, take dried majoram, thyme, and wormwood, grind them to a powder and cook them gently with honey and vinegar to make a paste. Anoit your third eye center with the mix and ask three times that a vision of your lover's face be granted to you in your sleep. Wear the mixture to bed.

Wormwood is strewn behind furniture, under pillows and in corners to repel fleas. It is laid amoung woolens and furs to repel moths.

On Samhain strew it in your ritual fire as a protection against malevolent spirits.


Herbal uses

Wormwod tea is used as a liver rememdy to dispel the symptoms of jaundice and to remove depression and melancholy.

A light infusion of the flowers and fresh leaves promotes digestion, increases the appetite, and strengthens the stomache - if nausea results, the dose ahs been too strong.

Wormwood was once used in the production of Absinthe, a liqueur, and some home brewers still add it to mead (honey wine). Used occasionally it will soothe the nerves and balance the mind. CAUTION: as with all mind altering substances it can easily be abused. Persons who become addicted to absinthe experience giddiness and even convulsions.

The flowers and buds are the best part for medicinal use. One ounce of the flowers can be tinctured in a pint of brandy for six weeks, strained, and used for the relief of gravel and gout. The dose is one tablespoon twice a day. One ounce of the flowers and buds can be covered with a pint and a half of boiling water and steeped for 12 hours. The dose is two tablespoons three times a day for a week, then followed by a daily dose for maintenance. Do this to promote digestion.

The dried and powdered herb is used as a vermifuge (gets rid of worms - thus the source of its name). Use the infusion to promote menstruation and as an antiseptic wash for wounds and skin irritations. The tea is used to help alleviate the bail of childbirth.

The oil is used to relieve the pain of arthritic rheumatism and neuralgia. CAUTION: The oil is pure poison and should only be used externally! Never take this herb for more than a few weeks.


FAMILY : Compositae (Sunflower or Aster family)

SYNONYMS: Absinth, green ginger.

GEOGRAPHICAL LOCALES: all over the world, from US to Siberia

HABITAT: Roadsides, waste places, and near the sea.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION: The herb is a silky perennial plant supported by a woody rootstock producing many bushy stems that grow two to four feet in height. The stems are whitish covered closely with fine silk hairs. The leaves are hairy also, shaped with many blunt lobs of irregular symmetry. The flowers are small with globular heads of greenish-yellow color that are arranged on an erect leafy flower stem. The Leaves and the flowers have a very bitter taste and characteristic color.

CHEMISTRY: Absinthe (a dimeric guaranolide) is the principle agent, anabsinthin and thiyone (a volitile oil) are also pesent. Absinthine is listed as a narcotic analgesic in the same group as codeine and dextromethorphan hydrobromide (Romilar).

PRIMARY EFFECTS: Narcotic-analgesic. It depresses the central medullary part of the brain, the area concerned with pain and anxiety.


Malörtens magiska gåva till Dig

Ingår som ingrediens i besvärjelsen Kristallputs.
Stimulerar aptit, vitalitet, lever och galla.
Lägg Malörtsblad i skorna vid längre promenader, så undviker Du trötthet i fötterna.

Används ej invärtes vid graviditet, och aldrig i större doser eller under lång tid!


Enligt lag om upphovsrätt av den 30 december 1960 är ändringar eller omskrivning av innehållet i denna text, helt eller delvis, förbjudet utan medgivande av författarinnan Zorna, eller Zornas Utbildnings Centrum. Förbudet gäller även varje form av mångfaldigande genom tryckning, kopiering eller bandinspelning.


N. Malurt. F. Mali; Koi-ruoho.
Malörten är kanske den mest bekanta bland de växter, som i apoteket och folkmedicinen lämna ett aromatiskt bitter extraktivämne. Malörtsdroppar och malörtsbrännvin äro än i dag vanliga mag- och maskmedel, och i större skala användes denna växt till vissa likörer (absint och, jämte andra kryddor, vermut). Hela örten har ytterst besk smak och sprider vid söndergnuggning en genomträngande lukt. Namnet malört syftar på dess påstådda men tvivelaktiga förmåga att skydda kläder mot mal. Ett verksammare medel mot dessa är persiskt insektspulver, de torkade och pulvriserade blomkorgarna av den hos oss med lätthet odlade rosenmargueriten , Pyrethrum roseum . - Örtståndet blir ej så högt som hos föregående art (nr 18); stjälkar och jordstam äro mycket sega; bladen äro atlasglänsande av mjuk, tilltryckt hårighet av gråaktig silverfärg; blommorna äro mer lysande gula än hos föregående art, och såsom planterad försvarar malörten sin plats bland våra prydnadsväxter. För medicinskt bruk insamlas blomställningen, Herba Absinthii, fig. 1.

Växten ses hos oss på torra, steniga, varma lokaler, i synnerhet ruderatplatser, utbredd över södra hälften av Sverige, Norge och Finland. Den blommar på eftersommaren och hösten.