
Bevis för spöken Parapsykologiska bevis

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är en sorts Parapsykologiska bevis

Vetenskapliga bevis för spökens existens.

Alias: bevis för spöken


Intervju med en hobbyundersökare

För en tid sedan tog jag kontakt med den till antalet medlemmar största spökjägarföreningen IGHS ordförande Dave Oester. Här följer ett utdrag ur det e-mail jag sände till honom och det svar jag fick.

AL: How far have the ghosthunters of the world got when it comes to prove the phenomena sciantifically?

DO: Science can not prove or disprove the existance of ghosts because there will always be a scientist who claims that the proof is not proof. We have many scientists in our society who believe in ghosts. Each person has to experience the phenomena to believe, for this is the way of human nature. We can not accept what we have not experienced. Proof does mean nothing if we do not accept it. We have 1,000 photographs yet we still get people asking if we believe in ghosts.

I can have an experience every time a go out on an investigation. I teach others to have the same experience and they do. Scepticts find it hard to accept and believers find it easy to accept. We can´t use science as a cop out because science has already provided the instruments to measure and record the energy patterns we call ghosts. Why don´t the sceptics accept this scientific evidence? Maybe because it doesn´t have the outcome they want!

Det ligger en del i hans svar. Många vetenskapare tycks finna alternativa förklaringar till alla paranormala fenomen oavsett hur långsökta de än tycks vara.