Denna bok är en mycket välskriven och inåtgående bok om astralprojektion och ut ur kroppen-upplevelser. Det kanske känns lite jobbigt att den inte har översatts till svenska, men jag tror att det skulle ta åratal att göra det. Texten är mycket komplicerad, och därmed svår att översätta. Men den är mycket mycket bra. Den beskriver hur du ska göra, vad som händer o.s.v.
Astral dynamics Bok
A NEW Approach to Out-of-Body Experience
Bok som behandlar ickefysiska plan/dimensioner. Den passar för både nybörjare och vana astralresenärer.
Alias: astral dynamics
Elements of Projetion - Bruce's mind-split theory of what actually goes on during projection.
New Energy Ways - His stunning practical method of raising awareness by using touch, wich Bruce calls tactile imagining.
Core Skills - How to succed at the three tasks that are essential to succes in astral projection.
Projection Technique - What you need to know to stop reading about astral projection and actually do it.
The Akashic Connection - Speculations on things seen and heard while traveling in astral realms.
Bokens baksida
Astra projection is the classic term for what today is more commonly called out-of-body experience or OBE. In this fascinating volume, Robert Bruce has drawn on his lifetime's experience not only traveling in the astral dimension, but teaching others to do so.
Astral Dynamics provides, all in one package, a personal narrative, a how-to, a troubleshooting guide, and a theoretical perspective. Whether you are a skeptic, a veteran astral projector, a novice, or an armchair traveler - there is a treasure here.
Astral Dynamics provides the intelligent and motivated reader with everything needed to put theory into practice:
Elements of Projetion - Bruce's mind-split theory of what actually goes on during projection.
New Energy Ways - His stunning practical method of raising awareness by using touch, wich Bruce calls tactile imagining.
Core Skills - How to succed at the three tasks that are essential to succes in astral projection.
Projection Technique - What you need to know to stop reading about astral projection and actually do it.
The Akashic Connection - Speculations on things seen and heard while traveling in astral realms.