A few studies have implicated the temporal lobes of the brain as sites of subjective psi experiences (Neppe, 1990). Temporal lobe dysfunction is associated with a variety of alterations in consciousness (e.g., sensory hallucinations, illusions, feelings of disequilibrium) that, in turn, are linked with reports of ESP and PK. Whether these subjective reports are verifiable psi events remains to be investigated. However, a few parapsychologists have studied individuals claiming frequent out-of-body travel (e.g., Mitchell, 1973/1978) and shamanic journeying (e.g., Giesler, 1986).
Tinningloben Kroppsdel
Tinningloben ur ett parapsykologiskt perspektiv - punktstimulering ger andliga upplevelser
Alias: gudspunkten och tinningloben
Ett specifikt litet område i tinningloben ger andliga upplevelser vid stimulering. Detta enligt vetenskapliga studier och forskning.
Man har även funnit samband mellan ett annat begränsat område och ut-ur-kroppen-upplevelser, också detta i tinningloben.