
Parapsykologisk organisation Vetenskaplig organisation

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är en sorts Vetenskaplig organisation

Alias: parapsykologigrupp, parapsykologigrupper, parapsykologiska organisationer och parapsykologisk organisation


Flera av länkarna går direkt till gruppernas egna hemsidor. Sammanställningen utgick från Parapsychology Sources Research Institutes

Provides on-line experiments for you to take part in, abstracts and information about ftp sites.
  • Centre for Parapsychological Studies, Bologna

Outlines the work carried out, its purpose etc.
Information about the Laboratory, the Personnel, the approach and their protocol.
This link provides information about the institute, their staff, on-line experiments that you can try out and publications.
In German. Includes the German version of the FAQ, information about Freiburg, a glossary and details about conferences and lectures.
Details of work in progress.
Text in Japanese and in English. Links to its founding prospectus, its charter, advisers and its journal.
Gives an overview of the research currently being undertaken in Edinburgh. Also provides information about the staff, students and about research being pursued in other locations. Take part in some on-line experiments!
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. Provides information about the personnel, implications and applications of research, extended activities.
Information about current research, staff and other links.
Find out about the institute, link to other institutions, look at the information about their Summer Study Program.