1. If you have not previously done so, perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
2. Lie down or sit comfortably with your spine erect. Find a comfortable position.
3. Begin a rhythm of slow, deep breathing. Fill your lungs completely each time that you inhale. As you exhale, gently empty your lungs as completely as possible (without applying Force). Begin to relax consecutive parts of your body with each exhalation. Begin with your feet, and allow the relaxation to spread slowly upward each time that you exhale until your entire body is relaxed.
4. Continue to breathe deeply, slowly, and rhythmically during the entire Ritual.
5. Visualize a star shining just above your head, about the size of a baseball. It has a corona of Light around it (like that around a candle in a dark room).
6. Inhale, completely filling your lungs, and continue to visualize the star above your head. As you exhale, watch the star growing in brilliance while you vibrate AHIH. Repeat this process nine more times.
7. Relax for a few minutes and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
8. Visualize a shaft of white Light coming down through your head from the star above you, to your throat.
9. Inhale, completely filling your lungs, and visualize a second star in the center of your throat. As you exhale, the star brightens while you vibrate IHVH ALHIM. Repeat this process nine more times.
10. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body.
11. Visualize a shaft of Light coming down through your chest from the star in your throat to the area around your heart and solar plexus.
12. Inhale, completely filling your lungs, and visualize a third star at your heart and solar plexus area. The star brightens as you exhale while vibrating IHVH ALVH VDOTh. Repeat this process nine more times.
13. Relax for a few minutes, and scan your body, noticing any changes, and feel the pulsation of the Energy.
14. Visualize a shaft of Light coming down from your chest to your pelvic area.
15. Inhale, completely filling your lungs, and visualize a fourth star around your genitals. The star brightens as you exhale while vibrating SDI AL ChI. Repeat this process nine more times.
16. Relax for a few minutes and feel your body.
17. Visualize a shaft of Light coming down from your pelvis to a point beneath your feet.
18. Inhale, completely filling your lungs, and visualize a fifth star beneath your feet. The star brightens as you exhale while vibrating ADNI HARTz. Repeat this process nine more times.
19. Scan your body once again, noticing whatever is happening there, and feel the pulsation of the Energy.
20. Focus your attention on the star above your head. As you exhale, bring a ball of Light down your left side to the star beneath your feet. Inhale, and bring it back up your right side to the star above your head, forming thereby a Circle of brilliant Light. Repeat this process nine more times.
21. Focus your attention on the star above your head. Exhale, and bring a ball of Light down the front of your body to the star beneath your feet. Inhale, and bring it back up the rear of your body to the star above your head, forming thereby a Circle of brilliant Light. Repeat this process nine more times.
22. Relax for a few moments and feel yourself inside a sphere of white Light, which envelopes your entire Aura, or Sphere of Sensation.
23. Focus your attention on the star beneath your feet. Inhale and bring a brilliant shaft of Light through your body and up your spine to the star above your head. While exhaling, visualize a fireworks-like explosion of Light that rains gently down upon you and is collected into the star beneath your feet. Repeat this process nine more times.
24. Scan your body once again, noticing whatever is happening there, and feel the pulsation of the Energy for as long as you wish.
25. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.