
Ayahuasca Psykoaktiv substans

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är en sorts Psykoaktiv substans

Ayahuasca är en "brygd" som inom shamanismen anses vara en nyckel till annorlunda verklighetstillstånd.

Alias: banistersiopsis, caapi, växtfamiljen banistera och yage


Information om Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca är ett av namnen på den växtande som används av olika stammar i Mexico, sydamerika & Brasilien. Drogen har använts av schamaner i årtusenden och ger tillgång till ett högre medvetandetillstånd. Under det tillståndet är personen kapabel att utföra helande, samt utvecklas spirituellt. Ayahuasca sägs även läka själen, anden, medvetandet och kroppen.

Ayahuasca är en blandning av Banisteriopsis caapi (Yage) & Psychotria viridis (Chacruna) två växter förekommande i olika delar världen (främst Amazonas). De är kända för deras starka hallucinogena verkan. Det går att framställa Ayahuasca med andra växters inverkan också men den ovan nämnda är den vanligaste.
Banisteriopsis caapi är en legend inom spiritualistisk drogkunskap.


Jim DeKorne, författare till Psychedelic Shamanism, om Ayahuasca:
From the Amazonian rain forst comes one of the most potent catalysts for expanded awareness yet discovered by human beings. In Ecuador and Peru this medicine is known as Ayahuasca, a Quechua Indian word meaning, ironically, vine of the dead". In Columbia and parts of Brazil, the Tupi Indian name Yage (pronounced Ya-hay) is used, and among Amazonia's proliferating mestizo relious cults it is called Daime...

Ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic substance does not properly refer to one single plant, but to a singular mixture of two very different plan species...there is no such thing as an ayahuasca plant, or a yage plant, any more than there is a simple liquor simply called Martini. Ayahuasca correctly refers to a psychedelic combination of plants which varies in potency according to the skill of its maker.

While each shaman has his own secret formula for the mixture (with probably no two exactly alike), it has been established that true ayahuasca always contains both beta-carboline and tryptamine alkaloids, the former (harmine and harmaline) usually obtained from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, and the latter (N, N-dimethyl-tryptamine, or DMT) from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis bush. (There may be variations among plant species, but the alkaloids are always consistent.

It is significant to note that neither one of these plant substances by itself is normally psychoactive in oral doses. (Harmine/harmaline is said to effect hallucinosis at highly toxic levels, but in less heroic quantities it is at best a tranquilizer, at worst an emetic.) DMT, in any quantity, is not orally active unless used in combination with a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. This principle is precisely what makes ayahuasca effective; the harmala alkaloids in the Banisteriopsis caapi vine are potent short term MAO inhibitors which synergize with the DMT-containing Psychotria viridis leaves to produce what has been described as one of the most profound of all psychedelic experiences."


Ur Psychedelic Shamanism av Jim DeKorne

From the Amazonian rain forst comes one of the most potent catalysts for expanded awareness yet discovered by human beings. In Ecuador and Peru this medicine is known as Ayahuasca, a Quechua Indian word meaning, ironically, vine of the dead". In Columbia and parts of Brazil, the Tupi Indian name Yage (pronounced Ya-hay) is used, and among Amazonia's proliferating mestizo relious cults it is called Daime...

Ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic substance does not properly refer to one single plant, but to a singular mixture of two very different plan species...there is no such thing as an ayahuasca plant, or a yage plant, any more than there is a simple liquor simply called Martini. Ayahuasca correctly refers to a psychedelic combination of plants which varies in potency according to the skill of its maker.

While each shaman has his own secret formula for the mixture (with probably no two exactly alike), it has been established that true ayahuasca always contains both beta-carboline and tryptamine alkaloids, the former (harmine and harmaline) usually obtained from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, and the latter (N, N-dimethyl-tryptamine, or DMT) from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis bush. (There may be variations among plant species, but the alkaloids are always consistent.

It is significant to note that neither one of these plant substances by itself is normally psychoactive in oral doses. (Harmine/harmaline is said to effect hallucinosis at highly toxic levels, but in less heroic quantities it is at best a tranquilizer, at worst an emetic.) DMT, in any quantity, is not orally active unless used in combination with a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. This principle is precisely what makes ayahuasca effective; the harmala alkaloids in the Banisteriopsis caapi vine are potent short term MAO inhibitors which synergize with the DMT-containing Psychotria viridis leaves to produce what has been described as one of the most profound of all psychedelic experiences."


Andra växter som ibland brukar blandas i är:

Mimosa hostilis
Dessa innehåller bland annat DMT och 5-Me0-DMT som båda är starka hallucinogener.

P.g.a. Harmineinnehållet är växten MAO-hämmande. Extrema sidoeffekter kan uppträda om personer som går på antidepressiva mediciner tar drogen