
Drömteori Teori

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Carl Jung, who was trained by Freud, also meant that our dreams are a glimpse of our subconscious, but he does not believe that sexual urges always play a part in the process.

Alias: drömteori


Carl Jung

Carl Jung, who was trained by Freud, also meant that our dreams are a glimpse of our subconscious, but he does not believe that sexual urges always play a part in the process. Jung thought dreams were more about the present and the future, and not so much about the past. He said that dreams guide us through life by giving us advise and help on the way.


Dr Chester Pearlman, psychiatrist at Veterans Administration Hospital in Boston, claims dreams are a necessary process to integrate, what was recently learnt, in our long-term memory. If this is correct, it is not a good idea to stay up late studying hard for a test the next day, because then the knowledge do not have time to assimilate in our memory for future use. Pearlman also claims the dreams serve to work with the emotional experiences we have during the day. This means that, the next day, a person who did not dream is not as prepared as the dreamer, the day after, when it comes to heavy emotional experiences.

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