
Kvantfysik Teori, Lära, Fysik

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är Teori , Lära och Fysik
Behandlar Mörk energier och Mörk materia

Kvantfysiken handlar om små partiklars beteende. Riktigt små partiklar kan bete sig både som vågor och partiklar.

Alias: kvantfysik


Kvantfysiken handlar om små partiklars beteende. Riktigt små partiklar kan bete sig både som vågor och partiklar. Dels interfererar de med varandra (och sig själv) så att det uppstår vågtoppar och vågdalar. Dels befinner sig partikeln alltid på en bestämd punkt varje gång man försöker bestämma dess position. Tillsammans gör detta att vågpartikelns interferensmönster avgör sannolikheten för var partikeln kommer att finnas när man vill bestämma dess position. Sannolikheten för att partikeln ska hittas i en vågdal är liten, medans sannolikheten för att partikeln ska hitts i en vågtopp är stor. Detta sannolikhetsinterferensmönster uppstår bara av en våg.

Det kluriga med detta är att partikelns position verkar bero på om vi tänker mäta dess position eller inte.


Consciousness, Causality, and Quantum Physics

Nicolaas Tulpstraat 37, 2563 XK The Hauge, The Netherlands

Abstract: Quantum theory is open to different interpretations, and this paper reviews some of the points of ctmtention. The standard interpretation of quantum physics assumes that the quantum world is characterized by absolute indeterminism and that quantum systems exist objectively only when they are being measured or observed. David Bohm's ontological interpretation of quantum theory rejects both these assumptions. Bohm's theory that quantum events are party determined by subtler forces operating at deeper levels of reality ties in with John Eccles' theory that our minds exist outside the material world and interact with our brains at the quantum level. Paranormal phenomena indicate that our minds can communicate with other minds and affect distant physical systems by nonordinary means. Whether such phenomena can be adequately explained in terms of quantum effects and the quantum vacuum or whether they involve super-physical forces and states of matter as yet unknown to science is still an open question, and one which merits further experimental study.

Quantum theory is generally regarded as one of the most successful scientific theories ever formulated. But while the mathematical description of the quantum world allows the probabilities of experimental results to be calculated with a high degree of accuracy, there is no consensus on what it means in conceptual terms.

According to the uncertainty principle, the position and momentum of a subatomic particle cannot be measured simultaneously with an accuracy greater than that set by Planck's constant.

A quantum system is represented mathematically by a wave function, which is derived from Schrodinger's equation.

The EPR experiments demonstrated that if two quantum systems interact and then move apart, their behavior is correlated in a way that cannot be explained in terms of signals traveling between them at or slower than the speed of light. This phenomenon is known as nonlocality.

Further experimental studies of consciousness-related phenomena. both normal and paranormal, will hopefully allow the merits of the various con tending theories to be tested. Such investigations could deepen our knowledge of the workings of both the quantum realm and our minds, and the relationship between them, and indicate whether the quantum vacuum really is the bottom level of all existence or whether there are deeper realms of nature waiting to be explored.