
The Charge of The Goddess

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A ritual charge where the Goddess initiates forces to work within you.

Alias: charge of the goddess och the charge of the goddess


Hear now the words of the Great Mother, She who of old was named Isis, Astarte, Cerridwen, Kali, Dana, Arianhod, Brighde, and by many other names.

She who is all that is, that was and forever shall be, time without end and love without ending.

I am the Mother of all, the mystery of mysteries. All things are within me, all things are of me and I am in all things.

I am lover of all, for how could I not love all that I am and all that grows out from my love? But you who gather in sacred time and space to worship me are my favoured children, for you know that I am all, and both Mother and Lover of all. For herein lays a mystery, and only you of the Wicca truly know this.

I charge you with this:- that every month when the Moon is full or waxing strong, and at those times of power within the wheel of the year, that you come together as one people, one circle of love, joy and wisdom. Sharing my mysteries and my power together in sacred space and time so that you will be refreshed and made strong. Make sacred space in groves, hill tops, temples and sacred places of the land where power flows more freely and you can feel my presence more strongly.

There shall you gather, you who would learn my deepest secrets. To you who honour this Charge will I teach all of my mysteries and will bring guidance and inspiration into your life. And though as all beings must, you must live your lives in harmony with all those around you, you shall be free from slavery, and you shall sing, dance, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.

For mine is the ecstasy of the Spirit, and mine also is joy on earth, for my Law is love unto all beings.

Keep pure your highest ideals and share my love with all of my creation, for though you of the Wicca are my most favoured ones, I love all of life- the creatures of the woods and fields, those that swim in rivers and seas, those that fly in the air or crawl upon the ground. And I love also those who are blind and deaf to me- how could I not? Though they live their lives in ignorance or follow the little gods of men, they are still of me and from me. I am all, and all are me. Be gentle and understanding of them, for all that lives dances through the great wheel of life, and those who live blindly now may yet awaken in a future life if you can but shed a little light for them in this one. Let them learn from the wisdom and power that I bring you, and ever strive toward the highest ideals that you can.

Let naught stop you or turn you aside from the path of the wise, for mine is the Secret Door which opens into the deepest wisdom, and mine is the Cup of the Wine of Life and the Cauldron of knowing, which is the Holy Grail of immortality.

Honour and respect those of my servants who lead you in the rites and who teach you that which I have taught them, for to these of my Wise children I have given responsibilities. I charge all those who gather in my name to uphold my ways and to hold with respect those who have passed the gates of Initiation. For through these gates lays wisdom and responsibility, knowledge and power, and these I gift to those who take up the burden of leading and teaching within my circles of the Wise.

I am the Great Goddess who brings the gift of joy unto your hearts.

Upon Earth I give the knowledge of the Spirit eternal and beyond death I bring peace, freedom and reunion with those who have gone before, until you are refreshed and ready to begin the dance anew through another lifetime.

I demand no sacrifice, except that you share with one another and with those who are needy, for behold, I am the mother of all Living, and my love is poured out upon the Earth.

I am the beauty of the green earth, the white Moon amongst the stars, the mystery of the Waters And the desire of your heart.

I call unto your soul, awaken and come unto me. For I am the Mother of all who gives life to the Universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return, and when you return into my arms at the end of your days, I will enfold you with my love and the rapture of the infinite.

Therefore let your worship be rejoicing, for all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek for me, know that your seeking and yearning shall avail you not, unless you know this mystery. That if that which you seek, you do not find within you, you will never find it without you.

For hear these words:- I have been with you from the beginning and I am that which is attained at the end of desire. There is nothing but me and I am all that is. Without beginning, without ending. Love and joy everlasting.