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Medlem 64943, nivå 6, ämne 653968, v1
Kallar sig Cernunnos
Han är 46 år och bor i SKELLEFTEÅ
Kontakt MSN
Uppdaterad 2006-06-20

är Medborgare i Paranormal.se


A Neo-pagan, spiritual, medial healer oriented fellow who is 27 years old.
I adhere to the Spirit of the Earth; the soul of the Gaia (which to me is sacred).
I´ve channeled her sufferings through the songs I listen to,
as in the wind among the trees in the deep woods of Northern Sweden.

I used to be pretty pessimistic about everything, bitter and hateful - resentful - towards
all humans and their activities. A misantrophy of sorts derived from this song of trufh.
This led me to explore paths, or ways of thought, that to most would seem very dark.
Like ideologies like nationalsocialism and ecofascism for instance. And also religions
like satanism or devilworship, which is a better name for it,

But upon fully realizing that this was just another way of seeing things in black or white,
just like opposite to christianity e.g I went through a course in Reiki-healing and that started a
process that opened up for a different viewpoint on the subject of individual humans
and their value in what is to come. It made me more open towards different kind of
peoples and their beliefs.

Now I have come a long way since then and I feel powerful, stronger and more able to define
and reach my goals, which is to be a part of this new environment that will emerge through
the cataclysmic events that are due to happen in the near future, wherein the enemies of the
Earth will be no more, e.g undone.

The battle that lies ahead, lies against dualists, against the advocates of economic life; trade
and industry, free enterprise etc which comes in many forms today. It has spread like a virus
through man and I see myself as a possible anti-virus, but fear I wont get the triumph of
cleansing the world myself since the World herself will probably do all the cleansing.
Still I have no empathy for these anti-Gaian forces which is hard at work, currently, and would
happily rid them from their pathetic, low lifes. This is the end of the Kali Yuga and the approach
of the Age of Aquarius - The Return of the White Spirits is nigh.

In the Age to come together we shall dance naked on the meadows like newborn children, finally free of your
misconceptions, anxiety and lifeforce draining taboos. The lifeliars and moralists, the disconnected, or
disspirited, will be no more.
Everyone that will be, will be connected to the Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth. The I's of the world will not be questioned or
demonized, or even fear it any more.
Since the I takes many forms; as you, as me, as the guy/girl next door and all these versions of the I will be connected
to the Gaia in a stronger sense, they will in a way be almost telepathic/the same.
As Children of the New Aeon we will be in an all-embracing state of love and there will be no adult to put the mark of
shame upon us, since we´ll have nothing to feel shameful about. Perfection shouldn't feel ashamed about itself.