

Ändra sidan Detaljer
Medlem 64061, nivå 6, ämne 644314, v1
Kallar sig sm7wyy
Han är 65 år och bor i KALMAR
Kontakt Nej tack
Uppdaterad 2006-04-13

är Medborgare i Paranormal.se


Hej jag heter Johan och för 6 år sedan började jag höra en röst som talar till mig befaller mig att göra saker det har slutat illa många ggr. Jag tror att det har med esp att göra det är en full 2 vägs kommunikation och den pågår dygnet runt all min vakna tid Vet inte vad jag gjort för att få uppleva detta men det måste vara allvarligt rösten säger att den ser med mina ögon hör med mina öron och det gör den jag kan bara titta på någoty så beskriver rösten det för mig. Det är inget jag hör med öronen utan är ett slags vibrationer som går itakt med hjärtrytmen och är mycket obehagligt har lärt mig leva med den nu men 6 ggr har den fått mig att nära nog ta livet av mig.
Alla ggr har det misslyckats och har väl blivit på det klara med att det inte är en utväg. Det måste finnas sätt att störa den för att få sova så har jag datorn på dygnet runt den ger ifrån sig vitt ljud och det hjälper den blir mindre påträngande men tänk själv om du hela tiden blir påtvingad någon annans tankar hur jobbigt det skulle bli

Jag skulle ´vilja uppdatera min profil med ite ny information Jag har blivit utsatt för en komplott från första stund det som i själva verket är ett vapen har jag trott varit paranormaltinformation finns att hämtaa på följande link Amerikanska armen förnekar det inte men här i Sverige görs det det och människor blir felmedicinerade och begår självmord vi börjar med denna länk som inledning http://www.c-a-t-c-h.ca/ sen kommer svaret på hela historien här det rör sig om en jättemaskin som driver folk till att ta livet av sig och psykiatrin hjälper till med att ge mediciner som har biverkning självmord det är det pefekta brottet alla tror att den som gjorde det var galen. Jag har tillbringat 8 år med att studera psykiatrin från insidan jag arbetar ihop med människor som tillhör den det är den största rättsskandalen genom tiderna det rör sig ommina vänner.

Här är svaret på alltihop skrivet på Amerikanska armens hemsida titta läs förstå.


Så var det med det paranormala

Med vänliga hälsningar

och hopp om att detta kan rädda många som är utsatta för detta

Se bara här hur många som har fått sätta livet till i världen
Från: sh zhang ""[mailto:shchang00@yahoo.com]
Skickat: den 26 januari 2008 05:40
Till: suehon5@netscape.net
Kopia: johan.heller@tele2.se; nandounico1@hotmail.com; ferny515@hotmail.com; nandounico1@yahoo.es; danmor24u@yahoo.com; ka4143-896@online.de; dimitrischunin@gmx.de; mkbarnes001@yahoo.com; spierray@yahoo.com; echoes44442002@yahoo.com; ERALIMOLTD@aol.com; lesliecraw40@talkamerica.net; winmne@gmail.com; winc2012@yahoo.com; ZARTOGG2@aol.com; tiger1@vtc.net; moe_hosny@yahoo.ca; selena@waitrose.com; lrbrodie@netscape.com; gagiu_2000@yahoo.com; jm4444@netzero.net; xposperps@yahoo.com; unclemicrochips@yahoo.com; feisal01in@yahoo.com; dk001b9858@blueyonder.co.uk; woody6051@hotmail.com; mo_tahani@yahoo.co.uk; Mo.Tahani@googlemail.com; albert1213@yandex.ru; tkeller@diodecom.net; vkuphall@yahoo.com; soleilmavis@yahoo.com; wmadliger@yahoo.de; pathak.mails@gmail.com; junejasimran1978@yahoo.co.in; polimail@safe-mail.net; lhanson@facstaff.wisc.edu; linda@drew8891.fsbusiness.co.uk; starsom@mail.com; starsom444@gmail.com; kommmy@gmail.com; maryfairdaclubhouse@yahoo.com; linsbald@hotmail.com; rafag0nza@yahoo.com; CwboyKelly@aol.com; cayen-nissen@foni.net; modar@remo.lt; xbtu2000@yahoo.co.uk; skidiver2000@yahoo.com; carolduke90@yahoo.com; robalandes@yahoo.com; robalandes@telus.net; rrlowe1@hotmail.com; peaceseeker12@hotmail.com; wlotz2003@web.de; margohabib@dslextreme.com; michael@worldgathering.net; threeriders@googlemail.com; j.c.hansen@att.net; mindcon@gmail.com; shchang00@yahoo.com; robfile@sbcglobal.net; michaelmay@aon.at; as1959@juno.com; oldeuropeaninteriors@yahoo.com; ritathomas_1959@hotmail.com; freewgrace@aim.com; i_am_deb_2006@yahoo.co.in; suehon5@netscape.net; johnfinch@excite.com; helenkurdin@yahoo.ca; robphill@bigpond.net.au; MIRISNI@aol.com; ljiljh@hotmail.co.uk; margaretdown13@hotmail.com; ee_833@hotmail.com; zachystal@hotmail.com; rudyrud2004@yahoo.fr; rghouseholder@msn.com; thanku4thedays2006@yahoo.com; bendemps@blueyonder.co.uk
Ämne: Re: Fwd: Board resend of same to Ken


Do you know American fascist organizations? Their headquarters is in New York.

Do you know American fascist secret electronic weapon criminal (terrorist) organizations? I know them much. They use the mind control weapon and voice in the skull weapon to deceive many countries' victims, and drive these victims to accuse the U.S. government and CIA, NSA.

Bush is not Hitler, if over 10 million Jewish Americans (not satanists) and other persons have been murdered in every kind of way, these secret criminal organizations sure are secret fascist organizations, in fact, my father and many people are murdered by world fascists' electronic beam weapons in secret.

This is American fascsits and other countries' fascists passing themselves off as CIA or NSA, no doubt it is.

I hope our governments' electronic weapon forces destroy these electronic weapon fascist murderers.

I am your friend.

Shine Chang

----- Original Message ----
From: suehon5@netscape.net suehon5@netscape.net
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:07:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Board resend of same to Ken

Let it be known to all who are being tortured, that while most Americans know how serious these crimes are, over 10 million employees retaliated on, over 10 million Jewish Americans (not satanists) and other persons have been murdered in every kind of way, this person below Ken Adachi, supposedly to help victims, has before repeatedly intercepted with 'verbal' attacks; who has many, many victims on his website, including people complaining of thorwing up blood from radiation, sent me this e-mail even after over another 5 million indictments from CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT CRIMES UNDER RACKETEERING. What I listed on the website before he kicked me off, as many complained about serious crimes, including one woman who said she had so many crimes, she was now living in a sleeping bag in the woods and was a professional. ALl the crimes being committed are under RAKCETEERING AND CONSPIRACY and he knows it, and every day they continue under racketeering and conspiracy, having premeditated it with CIA/DEA and Genovese Crimes family, BFI trash company and Dee Arpino, ongoing each day with no time limits since there was no break.

This has not stopped since 1920, and no it is not for Israel but the top in racketeering.

U.S. Code Racketeering and Conspiracy, Indictments here:


Crimes to commit conspiracy under Bush:

Though many they used in crime were indicted, they continued and to present, daily to commit biochemical attacks on the body, felonies, attempted murder, disappearance, obstruction of justice.

-----Original Message-----
From: ka@educate-yourself.org
To: suehon5@netscape.net
Sent: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 8:48 pm
Subject: Re: Fwd: Board resend of same to Ken

Dear Sue,

Notwithstanding your sweeping conspiracy analysis, I removed you from the
E-Y forum for one reason and one reason only: I received a complaint that
you had posted excessively long articles in their entirety, instead of
following the posting rules stated on the home page. The posting rules say
to ONLY post the FIRST paragraph or two from a lengthy article, followed
by the url link to the article, where those who wish to, can click the
link and read the article in its entirety. That's not too complicated is

But I guess you so preoccupied with alerting the world to all the
skulduggery going on with the Bible, crimes on Israel, the UN,
re-colonizing, King David, Wales, NSA, congress, MK ultra programming,
etc, etc, that you didn't have the time or interest to read my posting
rules and realize that you are required to follow them, along with
everyone else.

I guess you also didn't notice that I posted a note yesterday to the forum
saying that I had just booted someone else off the forum for doing exactly
the same thing that got you booted off the forum.

People who ignore, are ignorant of, or flaunt the posting guidelines do
have a tendency to get bounced from the forum. It was your choice, not


> -----Original Message-----
> From: suehon5@netscape.net
> > Sent: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 10:50 am
> Subject: CUT
> Ken Adachi cut me off from?'Educate Yourself' Board. Apparently it is
> another mining for ignorance and partial science, and this is what I worte
> about. My message was to show crimes and the order of crimes. My message
> was blocked to explain how it is linked to Biblical texts, my grandmother
> in this line of King David throughout Wales and still being attacked under
> this 'Congress' including the wars run out of this top in racketeering,
> exactly and my family is, so
> are others. The Bible follows exactly the same wars, and infiltrations
> with wars on Israel as related to present. I also e-mailed regarding the
> crimes on Israel. Like i said before, they want to cut off and have an
> 'imagined' enemy and work for those killing them. It is exactly ignorance,
> not education by knocking persons off obard of which you are doing. This
> is not about 'Bible' but the famiiles of the Bible still being murdered.
> Apparently, this board is
> only wanting to perpetuate the problems. We have under NSA only gangs,
> and over 3.5 million murders taking place as the gangs increase. I am a
> survivor so far, and going through daily crimes, serious crimes,
> radiation, as Israel really is! Not that other countries are not. The UN
> is re-colonizing. However, it is mass ignorance being used in the first
> place. They want to keep the 'programming' which is part of MKULTRA in
> there which makes for the murders on Israel and all others since 1920.
> Sue
> http://journals.aol.com/suehon5
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